REVO Needs Reviews

When REVO released in August of 2021, it did sell some copies but was certainly not a hit. This continues to be true after many months. It did get some slight press coverage and virtually everyone has had very nice things to say about it. Despite the positivity, things have been quiet. Customer reviews, however, might be one small way to help the game get in front of more people.

Store Visibility

If we look specifically at the Steam store as our example, there are only eight customer reviews in total and three of them don’t count toward the overall store rating because of a technicality around copies received as gifts. That’s five reviews that do count toward a score. These are some very nice reviews, but it’s too few for Steam to take notice.

According to what I have read, games will receive a “Positive” or “Negative” overall score once enough reviews come in and we’re only a few reviews under the minimum needed. More reviews should help elevate REVO above the noise at ground level where most games are found to have few ratings and I suspect Steam will notice this and help get the game in front of more eyes.

Customer Expectation

Another valuable aspect of reviews is that it serves other players, or potential players. People who are trying to decide if a game is right for them may want to read a quick review from someone who has played the game. This can help them determine if the actual game experience meets the expectations they have when they browse the store page.

Reviews don’t need to be positive to be helpful. Moreover, friendly and honest criticism is quite welcome and, in fact, useful to all. The point is to indicate how well REVO has met your expectations.

Humble Request

Please share your experience with REVO in a review. Steam has posted info about writing reviews on their store. In short, visit the REVO store page while logged into your account and scroll down just a little to where it says “Write a review for REVO” to fill out the text area with your thoughts and submit.

Steam’s review panel can be accessed from the REVO store page or click the image for a handy shortcut.

For those who may not use Steam, other stores also have ways to review games, such as’s “Rate this game” feature available from the REVO page there, so please review it wherever you got your copy.’s review panel can be accessed from the REVO store page or click the image for a handy shortcut.

Thank you

You have already shown support by reading the Cosmic Misfit News, so I already appreciate all that you do. Don’t feel pressure to write a review ever. It’s only one way that you can help. Another way is to tell someone else about this cool, neon game inspired by Galaga. That would be awesome!

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