Radio Chatter

REVO v0.43.2 Update

Incoming transmission… REVO features a little more personality with the addition of a character dialog system. Find out what that means and how to get in on the excitement around the upcoming launch on the Steam store! (P.S. Go wishlist it today to show some extra love!)

The support ship speaks!

The heart of this update is the characterization of the support ship. There is a new system in place now that pops up dialog boxes for a character to speak. This character is the familiar support ship you dock with between battles.

At various points throughout the opening and normal gameplay, the support ship will speak up to draw player attention to interesting systems, items, and context. This is meant to help people better understand what is happening with the use of an in-fiction character speaking to your own pilot character.

My hope is that this simple, one-sided dialog will help players feel more connected to the REVO universe by adding some relatable personality as well as guide them through some of the easy to overlook features of the game without a lot of hand holding or overt instructions.

Layout, Audio, Scores, & Optimization

Many other aspects were reworked and improved. The most exciting to me is the optimization which stacks on top of the recent optimizations of mid-June. Turns out I had made a small mistake and was able to switch off even more unnecessary processes to free up the CPU for another significant boost to performance.

Watch this short clip from a recent live stream of the moment I realized the optimization worked!

Other changes include a new layout for the score displays plus an easier to increase score multiplier, totally reworked audio mix for clarity and balance, and a few minor fixes. You might even discover the new bugs! Yay! (Please let me know so I can fix.)

Want more detail on changes to the game? See the REVO Change Log.

Wow! Big changes!

Or at least lots of small changes that have a pretty big impact on the feel and function of the game.

In fact, I’m going to need some help! Will you playtest REVO and send me feedback? It would be a huge help to know if it runs for you and what good and bad experiences you have with it. You can sign up for VIP Access here on the site or you can head over to Steam and Request Access to join the closed beta playtest group. Both are helpful but Steam even more so, if that suits you.

Wishlist on Steam

Btw, please wishlist REVO on Steam to help it gain some popularity. The more people that know about the game the better come launch day which is now very, very close! More announcements to come super soon!

More about REVO

  • More neon spaceships.
  • More ways to get involved.
  • All the REVO news.

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